DiD nsltr #2 – “Needs Levers”: find these, pull them, and watch what happens – 2 minute read

May 21, 2024by July Mahinay

This is newsletter #1 on the topic of “needs levers”.

”What the heck is a ‘needs lever’?”… you are asking this under your breath right now. I know you are.

A ‘needs lever’ simply refers to one’s ability to a)understand a core human need, b)recognize it in a customer, and c)use it to ethically influence behavior.

To master the use of ‘needs levers’ we need to start with this undeniable truth:

People are selfish. All buying decisions are motivated by a selfish desire for either a gain of some sort, or an avoidance of loss. Ultimately, every buyer wants something for themselves- an outcome that improves their situation.

Why is it so important for us to accept that?

➡ Because effective sales is all about the PROSPECT’s needs, not yours. They don’t care about the whizbangers and do-dads on your truck, the graphics and badges and logos on your work shirt, the fact that you are a 3x SuperAngi PowerPro… unless those things meet their REAL need or desire (sometimes stuff like that DOES matter to a buyer, but usually not…)

➡ You’ll never get them to buy unless you appeal to their deep, internal needs. And in order to do that, you need to UNDERSTAND them.

This leads us to the importance of learning how to understand your prospect. People will more readily do business with people they feel UNDERSTOOD by, and they’ll pay more to do so.


Because understanding breeds trust. The more you make a customer feel understood, the more likely that they’ll trust in your ability to produce their desired outcome- to meet their selfish needs.

In the end, you want to be the one to feed that selfish need, and you can do that best from a position of understanding.

🎯So your #1 JOB as a marketer or sales person is to get in sync with the customer’s deep, selfish desires- to UNDERSTAND them.🎯

There are a bunch of ‘needs levers’. I’ll talk about a lot of them in the future. I’ll talk about what they are, how to spot them, and how to speak to them.

Next month we’ll breakdown the first one: Greed.

See you then, DiD’ers!

P.S.  If you know someone who you think would enjoy the Dollars Into Deals newsletter, send them here to sign up.  That would make me happy. 🙏

July Mahinay